PopMM - 29/09/23 00:05

[00:05] Etey in
[00:07] Etey> the party is already over it seems :o
[00:07] Etey> koopa is like the last guest with a beer on the couch that doesnt wanna leave the party
[00:08] skaarj_guardian out
[00:08] Etey> damn im poetic
[00:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> Yo
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> Etey 1v1 lights
[00:13] Etey> ya
[00:13] Etey> gimme 3 min though
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> Ok gimme 10
[00:14] Etey> for real?
[00:14] Etey> thats fine
[00:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> Just got home from work. Quick shower. Fuckin 12 hrs lol. Hard fuckin day. Back is killing me xD
[00:14] Etey> jerking off yayaya
[00:14] Etey> jokes
[00:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> xD brb man.
[00:15] Etey> i did 12 hours of chilling today
[00:15] Etey> in germany we say hartz 4 and the day is urs
[00:16] [AvA]Fistung> its like in comunist yugoslavia
[00:16] [AvA]Fistung> with the bürgergeld
[00:17] Etey> we love to give
[00:17] Etey> fist wie alt bist du
[00:18] [AvA]Fistung> 29
[00:18] [AvA]Fistung> und du?
[00:18] Etey> nice
[00:18] Etey> 24
[00:18] DrThunderous out
[00:18] Etey> pop als kind gespielt schon?
[00:18] [AvA]Fistung> yep
[00:18] Etey> ich war -1 als es rauskam xD
[00:19] Etey> habs so mit 9 gespielt
[00:19] [AvA]Fistung> meine eltern hatten windows 95
[00:19] Etey> hatte mein dad auch
[00:19] Etey> spöt noch
[00:19] [AvA]Fistung> populous war in einem spiele paket
[00:19] Etey> wild
[00:19] [AvA]Fistung> hab es mit meinen geschwistern gespielt
[00:19] Etey> ja same
[00:19] [AvA]Fistung> und konnte am anfang nur zu gucken weil ich zu klein war
[00:19] Etey> bin am hypnose sumpf lvl gescheitert damals
[00:20] [AvA]Fistung> ich weiß noch wie meine schwester mir gezeigt hat wie man patruliert
[00:20] Etey> okay dann echt als es rauskam
[00:20] [AvA]Fistung> für das hypno level habe ich 2 stunden gebraucht am anfang XD
[00:20] [D]orbickmon out
[00:20] Etey> haben uns da iwie n riesiges plateu gebaut
[00:21] Etey> stundenlang
[00:21] [AvA]Fistung> XD
[00:21] Etey> da kann man in paar min rushen
[00:21] Etey> xD
[00:21] [AvA]Fistung> speedruns waren noch nicht drin
[00:21] [AvA]Fistung> man hat immer abgewartet was der gegner so macht
[00:21] Etey> ne gar nicht so gedacht mit rushen oder so
[00:21] Etey> genau
[00:22] [AvA]Fistung> ohne rush ist level 7 auch schwer
[00:22] [AvA]Fistung> mit den unsichtbaren priestern
[00:22] Etey> weiß ich nich ausm kopf
[00:22] Etey> oh ja eklig unsichtbarkeitslvl
[00:22] Etey> hatte damals richtig panik
[00:22] Etey> xD
[00:23] [AvA]Fistung> ja immer auf die symbole klicken
[00:23] [AvA]Fistung> und inheiten hinschicken
[00:24] [AvA]Fistung> oder level 14
[00:24] [AvA]Fistung> attack from all sides
[00:24] [AvA]Fistung> ohne rush extrem schwer
[00:24] [AvA]Fistung> wenn gelb kommt mit magical shield
[00:24] [AvA]Fistung> rot mit feuersturm
[00:25] Etey> ja den lvl weiß ich auch
[00:25] Etey> fand die 4 am besten
[00:25] Etey> glaube 16 bis 20
[00:25] Etey> 16 bis 19
[00:25] Etey> mein ich
[00:25] [AvA]Fistung> oh ja head hunter war auhc schwer
[00:25] [AvA]Fistung> mit nebel
[00:25] Etey> aber ich hasse fog of war
[00:25] [AvA]Fistung> wenn man es das erste mal spielt und nichts weiß
[00:25] Etey> xD
[00:25] [AvA]Fistung> kein plan hat wo die stoneheads sind
[00:26] [AvA]Fistung> und ständig kommen boote aus dem nebel
[00:26] Etey> ja schon recht schwierig der single player
[00:26] [AvA]Fistung> und aufeinmal gibts armagedon
[00:26] [AvA]Fistung> und man hat gerademal 40pop
[00:26] Etey> aber immer gespeichert vor angriffen und zur not neu geladen xD
[00:27] [AvA]Fistung> wen ich jetzt singleplayer spiele brache ich eigentlich nur converts und blasts
[00:27] [AvA]Fistung> vielleicht hier und da mal ne lb
[00:27] [AvA]Fistung> aber man kann fast alles rushen
[00:27] Etey> ja blast regelt
[00:27] Etey> die schamanin macht ja auch nie was
[00:27] Etey> komplett lost
[00:27] [AvA]Fistung> dann die wildies von allen spielern nehmen
[00:28] Etey> ja das kenn ich ja bei dir xD
[00:28] [AvA]Fistung> XD
[00:28] Etey> wolln wir n schnelles blast oder light war
[00:28] [AvA]Fistung> kk
[00:29] [GoD]Spyro in
[00:30] adray_tsi in
[00:30] adray_tsi out
[00:35] [AvA]Mibbel in
[00:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> Playing
[00:51] [GoD]Rbwilson> Lights now?
[00:51] Etey> you dont wanna 2v2?
[00:51] [AvA]Fistung> join here
[00:51] Etey> we could do lights
[00:51] [GoD]Rbwilson> Kk coming
[00:51] [AvA]Fistung> we are 3 in a hut
[00:51] Etey> 2v2 would be nice
[00:52] [GoD]Rbwilson> Walking in now
[00:52] [GoD]Rbwilson> Was taking bowl hit
[00:52] [GoD]Rbwilson> xD
[00:52] [AvA]Fistung> nice
[00:53] [AvA]Mibbel> rdy?
[01:17] [AvA]Mibbel> i'm out gn all
[01:17] [AvA]Mibbel out
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> get boyy
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> or hw
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> gn mibbel btw
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> etey lights?
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> and balsts?
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> blasts*
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> or 2v1? or ffa?
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> or someone 1v1?
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> games games games
[01:18] Etey> lool
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> what we doing man
[01:18] [GoD]Spyro> host it up
[01:19] [GoD]Spyro> ill quick piss
[01:19] [GoD]Spyro> wp last game too fistung
[01:20] [GoD]Spyro> host it fistung or etey
[01:20] [GoD]Spyro> brb 1 min
[01:23] Chichis out
[01:24] Chichis in
[01:24] Chichis> koopa nub :peped:
[01:25] [GoD]Spyro> gato jin
[01:25] [GoD]Spyro> join
[01:25] [GoD]Spyro> <3
[01:25] [GoD]Spyro> :*
[01:25] [GoD]Spyro> sec gettin star
[01:25] Chichis> i dont care
[01:25] [GoD]Spyro> so can get ping
[01:26] Chichis> angry birds
[01:26] Chichis> grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[01:26] [GoD]Spyro> sec star almost here
[01:28] [GoD]Spyro> k got ping
[01:28] Etey> what do we play
[01:28] Etey> and what teams
[01:28] Chichis> u relog
[01:28] [GoD]Spyro> i thought blasts or someting
[01:28] [GoD]Spyro> idk
[01:28] [GoD]Spyro out
[01:28] Etey> i would like narrow passage
[01:28] [GoD]Spyro in
[01:29] Etey> do people play it still?
[01:29] Etey> played it in 2013
[01:29] Chichis> how rich asleep
[01:29] [GoD]Spyro> yayy got star
[01:29] [GoD]Spyro> fist rjeoin
[01:29] [GoD]Spyro> as host
[01:30] [GoD]Spyro> nvm got ping
[01:30] [GoD]Spyro> can do blasts or lights
[01:30] [GoD]Spyro> if you guys want 2v2, can do fist and dongato vs me and etey
[01:30] [GoD]Spyro> i guess is fairest
[01:30] Chichis> fist and hw afk
[01:30] [GoD]Spyro> etey is newest
[01:30] Etey> im nub
[01:31] Etey> spy rank
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> warrior*
[01:31] [AvA]Fistung> jjoo
[01:31] [AvA]Fistung> kk
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> blast?
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> light?
[01:31] [AvA]Fistung> sure
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> lets do 1 of blast
[01:31] Etey> lights
[01:31] [AvA]Fistung> or real 2v2?
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> warm me up some more
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> then can do 2v2
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> blast is better
[01:31] [GoD]Spyro> for warmup man
[01:51] [GoD]Spyro> gg
[01:52] [GoD]Spyro out
[01:52] [GoD]Spyro in
[01:53] [AvA]Fistung> gg
[01:53] [GoD]Spyro> wonder who won
[01:53] [GoD]Spyro> i think i did
[01:53] [GoD]Spyro> 42
[01:53] [GoD]Spyro> +1 brb
[01:53] [GoD]Spyro> water
[01:54] Etey> i have least deaths xD
[01:54] [GoD]Spyro> sec relog too
[01:54] [GoD]Spyro out
[01:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> dead pop
[01:54] [GoD]Spyro in
[01:54] [GoD]Spyro> kk brb
[01:54] [AvA]Fistung> nice
[01:54] [AvA]Fistung> chichi wanna play tooo?
[01:55] Chichis> brb
[01:55] Chichis> pooping
[01:55] Chichis> :D
[01:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> only 1 pinger
[01:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> dpont think i can host spyro
[01:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> he jsut relogged
[01:55] [AvA]Fistung> i can host him
[01:57] Durban_Poison in
[01:57] [AvA]Fistung> kk we 2v2?
[01:57] [GoD]Spyro> idm
[01:57] [GoD]Spyro> teams?
[01:57] [AvA]Fistung> or do some 1vx
[01:57] [AvA]Fistung> with chichi
[01:57] [GoD]Spyro> 3v1 is fine
[01:57] [GoD]Spyro> or 4v1
[01:57] [GoD]Spyro> jugg
[01:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> 2 v 2 or ffa
[01:57] [GoD]Spyro> dongato join
[01:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> not any other bs
[01:58] [AvA]Fistung> how about 2v3?
[01:58] [AvA]Fistung> kk
[01:58] [AvA]Fistung> 2v2
[01:58] [GoD]Spyro> k dongato join
[01:58] [AvA]Fistung> hw only plays 2v2
[01:58] Chichis> hw in
[01:58] [GoD]Spyro> oh
[01:59] [GoD]Spyro> hw afk now lullululu
[02:46] Durban_Poison out
[02:47] [GoD]Spyro> gggggg
[02:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> base runners are baddddd
[02:48] [AvA]Fistung> gg
[02:48] [GoD]Spyro> not always
[02:48] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[02:48] [GoD]Spyro> xD
[02:48] [GoD]Spyro> i think hes upset
[02:48] [AvA]Fistung> running pop lwaves ur base ready to get finished by braves
[02:49] [GoD]Spyro> its a trade worth the risk sometimes
[02:49] [GoD]Spyro> in that case it was
[02:49] [AvA]Fistung> true
[02:49] [GoD]Spyro> and i couldnt focus at all
[02:49] [GoD]Spyro> shouldnt have bowled hitted
[02:50] [GoD]Spyro> etey and fist blasts? lights?
[02:50] [GoD]Spyro> 3vsai?
[02:50] [AvA]Fistung> i need a break
[02:50] [GoD]Spyro> okokoko np
[02:50] [AvA]Fistung> a couple min
[02:51] [GoD]Spyro> i go smoke
[02:51] Etey> ya same
[02:57] Chichis> nerds
[03:00] [GoD]Spyro out
[03:19] Etey out
[03:46] [AvA]Fistung out
[04:42] Zpektrix_TAS in
[04:42] Luxray out
[04:53] Zpektrix_TAS out
[05:45] Boyy out
[06:19] Dark_Link_TaS in
[06:20] Dark_Link_TaS> wooooooooooooooooooooow
[06:20] Dark_Link_TaS> sad times
[07:04] LaDea in
[08:27] Dark_Link_TaS out
[09:22] LaDea out
[10:05] [GoD]spinni in
[10:13] [GoD]spinni out
[10:37] Incy in
[11:03] Incy out
[11:07] Etey in
[11:23] [AvA]SpiderPig in
[11:23] [AvA]SpiderPig out
[11:51] [GoD]spinni in
[11:54] frichkat90 in
[11:54] frichkat90 out
[12:05] [GoD]spinni out
[12:11] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:33] Incy in
[12:33] Incy out
[12:41] Meph in
[12:42] Meph out
[12:44] Etey out
[12:52] nice4v1m8_OP in
[13:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[13:10] [GoD]spinni in
[13:12] Incy in
[13:15] ice-t_TSI in
[13:31] Zpektrix_TAS> https://pwnage.com/products/stormbreaker
[13:31] Zpektrix_TAS> my new mouse <3
[13:32] idle_warrior> wow looks good
[13:32] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[13:33] Zpektrix_TAS> magnesium
[13:33] idle_warrior> i got logitech g 305
[13:34] Obelix in
[13:34] Obelix> dayumn
[13:34] Obelix> :howdy:
[13:34] idle_warrior> 2vs2
[13:34] Obelix> ok
[13:34] idle_warrior> no players here
[13:34] Obelix> u are correct
[13:34] Obelix> me spin vs u and babo
[13:34] idle_warrior> bak in the day only 2vs2 almost
[13:34] Obelix> letsgo
[13:34] idle_warrior> ok
[13:34] idle_warrior> b ak in the day best players choose their allies carefully
[13:35] Obelix> spin babo
[13:35] Obelix> join
[13:35] idle_warrior> :)
[13:35] idle_warrior> im not gud enough
[13:35] Obelix> babo join mate
[13:35] Zpektrix_TAS> its a light mouse
[13:35] idle_warrior> works well
[13:36] idle_warrior> i have had mine for 2 years and it still works well
[13:36] Obelix> light mouses are bad
[13:36] Zpektrix_TAS> i had last one for 5 years
[13:36] Obelix> tsu join
[13:37] Zpektrix_TAS> eating
[13:37] Zpektrix_TAS> i can play in 20mins
[13:37] Obelix> cool
[13:37] Zpektrix_TAS> so get another
[13:37] Obelix> spin can u call genki
[13:37] Zpektrix_TAS> i can call kayin
[13:37] Obelix> yes do it
[13:37] Obelix> and where is nici
[13:37] Obelix> someone call babo
[13:38] Obelix> random pp ok ?
[13:38] nice4v1m8_OP> :howdy:
[13:38] nice4v1m8_OP> sure
[13:38] nice4v1m8_OP> if you get blue i quit though
[13:38] Obelix> lool
[13:38] nice4v1m8_OP> lmao
[13:38] ice-t_TSI> i need easy maps man
[13:39] [D]Starving_Slaves in
[13:40] [GoD]Sho in
[13:44] [D]Starving_Slaves> discord dead
[13:56] Incy out
[14:07] chichis> ORE
[14:07] chichis> GAMMAMON
[14:08] 00Shaman in
[14:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[14:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:14] nice4v1m8_OP> gegen dich spiel ich nicht mehr gegenüber
[14:14] nice4v1m8_OP> so ein langweiliges game hatte ich lange nicht
[14:14] Obelix> gg
[14:14] nice4v1m8_OP> wp
[14:14] [GoD]spinni> ist ein fluch
[14:14] nice4v1m8_OP> nächstes mal quitte ich
[14:14] [GoD]spinni> apropos
[14:15] [GoD]spinni> ich hatte kalte haende ganzes spiel
[14:15] Obelix> dayumn spin went 50 pop
[14:15] nice4v1m8_OP> und lol
[14:15] Obelix> one moment
[14:15] nice4v1m8_OP> spin went full faggot shaman chase mode
[14:15] nice4v1m8_OP> lame af
[14:15] 00Shaman> lol
[14:15] nice4v1m8_OP> and i had zugzwang cuz my ally was losing
[14:15] Obelix> and i went bd mod
[14:15] [GoD]spinni> LMAO
[14:15] [GoD]spinni> ZUGZWANG
[14:16] nice4v1m8_OP> ist ein echtes wort auf englisch
[14:16] [GoD]spinni> perfekt
[14:16] nice4v1m8_OP> fasst das alles perfekt zusammen
[14:16] nice4v1m8_OP> ich hasse solche spiele
[14:16] nice4v1m8_OP> ich bin am gewinnen aber verliere
[14:16] [GoD]spinni> ich auch
[14:16] nice4v1m8_OP> sogar mit weit offen gelassener base verfolgst du meine shaman
[14:16] nice4v1m8_OP> langweilig lol
[14:16] nice4v1m8_OP> ich hatte 1 tower gefüllt an meinem cor für 20 minuten
[14:17] nice4v1m8_OP> und du läufst mir hinterher
[14:17] nice4v1m8_OP> mach doch mal risiko
[14:17] nice4v1m8_OP> so ist für beide langweilig
[14:17] nice4v1m8_OP> wir sind hier nicht für punkte albert
[14:17] ice-t_TSI> spinn
[14:17] nice4v1m8_OP> letzte spiele gegen dich waren alle so
[14:17] ice-t_TSI> careful with your shaman
[14:17] nice4v1m8_OP> weiß nicht wann du deinen gameplay so geändert hast aber es macht keinen spaß mehr gegen dich zu spielen
[14:18] nice4v1m8_OP> sry ice i only needed one kill
[14:18] ice-t_TSI> should have done a warmup map trod
[14:18] [GoD]Sho in
[14:18] ice-t_TSI> you played really well
[14:18] [GoD]spinni> yea
[14:18] Obelix> true ice
[14:18] [GoD]spinni> cold hands as fuick
[14:18] ice-t_TSI> i should have been able to hold my own
[14:18] [GoD]Sho out
[14:18] nice4v1m8_OP> i shoulda quit when trod was blue
[14:18] nice4v1m8_OP> and i face spin AGAIN
[14:18] nice4v1m8_OP> wtf is this
[14:19] nice4v1m8_OP> rigged af random its always the same
[14:19] [GoD]Sho out
[14:19] Obelix> green base is hard to conquer
[14:19] Obelix> so high
[14:19] [GoD]spinni> aber immer wieder
[14:20] [GoD]spinni> das ist sehr oft
[14:20] Obelix> maybe chill isnt töm
[14:20] Obelix> random teams?
[14:20] [GoD]spinni> yea
[14:20] [GoD]Sho in
[14:20] [GoD]spinni> ice jon
[14:20] [GoD]Sho> heard defeating spins shaman is ez *looks at babo* :eyes:
[14:21] Obelix> but spin won the game
[14:21] Obelix> :nice:
[14:21] [GoD]spinni> had low pop all game
[14:21] idle_warrior> toruk join
[14:21] Obelix> ye 60 vs babo 110
[14:21] ice-t_TSI> nogay maps
[14:21] [GoD]spinni> yea cant risk
[14:21] idle_warrior> lolol
[14:21] Obelix> u held it well
[14:22] Obelix> i didnt even send backupo
[14:22] Obelix> cos didnt kno0w
[14:22] Obelix> lool
[14:23] Obelix> babo sho join isnt töm
[14:23] Obelix> random teams
[14:23] idle_warrior> 1 more noobs
[14:23] [GoD]spinni> 1.01?
[14:23] Obelix> lets 1.5
[14:23] Obelix> they dont find trees on 1.01
[14:23] Obelix> tundras maps
[14:23] [GoD]spinni> lol
[14:24] Obelix> and manually dragging trees so painfull
[14:24] Obelix> kk imma take a shower
[14:24] Obelix> brb
[14:24] Obelix> bbl
[14:24] Obelix> *
[14:24] 00Shaman> fucking stink man
[14:24] 00Shaman> :eww:
[14:24] Obelix> :poof:
[14:24] Obelix out
[14:25] idle_warrior> mikey is coming
[14:27] [GoD]Sho> rods asks ppl to join n leaves the next min
[14:27] [GoD]Sho> :wtF:
[14:27] idle_warrior> hes playing cs
[14:27] [GoD]Sho> ++++++++++++++++4 any map
[14:28] idle_warrior> i just bought COD 2 on my ps5 :hearts:
[14:29] idle_warrior> ok mikey is almost here
[14:33] 00Shaman> who's mikey?
[14:33] idle_warrior> my bf
[14:34] 00Shaman> is he as bad as you?
[14:34] idle_warrior> we have been dating for 3 months now
[14:34] idle_warrior> yeh man hes really bad
[14:35] idle_warrior> ok now he will enter in 2 minutes
[14:36] idle_warrior> i didnt know being gay with a bf that really loves you makes you bad :?:
[14:36] 00Shaman> i'm saying bad at the game
[14:36] idle_warrior> i know
[14:37] idle_warrior> hes a beginner
[14:37] 00Shaman> not because your gay i don't give a shit about that
[14:37] 00Shaman> doesn't affect me
[14:37] idle_warrior> yes it does
[14:37] idle_warrior> you love me
[14:37] idle_warrior> i love you
[14:37] christo0972 in
[14:37] 00Shaman> i do more when you don't ally me :)
[14:38] idle_warrior> ok
[14:38] idle_warrior> teams?
[14:38] christo0972> hi :)
[14:38] 00Shaman> me and toruk
[14:38] idle_warrior> ok
[14:38] idle_warrior> christo
[14:38] idle_warrior> lets double toruk
[14:38] idle_warrior> hes a pro
[14:38] idle_warrior> im a spy rank
[14:38] idle_warrior> toruk get ping
[14:38] christo0972> 00Shaman + idle_warrior vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + christo0972
[14:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[14:38] christo0972> is best
[14:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:39] 00Shaman> i'll take toruk
[14:39] christo0972> ok
[14:39] 00Shaman> christo can ally his b/f
[14:39] christo0972> ally him
[14:40] 00Shaman> bunch of babies
[14:40] 00Shaman> smh
[14:40] idle_warrior> ?
[14:40] 00Shaman> :waa:
[14:40] idle_warrior> i didnt know u got babies
[14:51] JJaydenn_TSI in
[14:52] LaDea in
[14:52] [GoD]Sho> dayumm
[14:52] [GoD]Sho> i heard u beat koopa for the 2nd time jjay
[14:52] [GoD]Sho> dis truh
[14:53] cabalga_trolas in
[14:53] JJaydenn_TSI> ye shit was ez man
[14:53] [GoD]Sho> :pogcorn: !!
[14:53] JJaydenn_TSI> wasnt even trying second time either
[14:53] [GoD]Sho> :pog: ooo
[14:53] [GoD]Sho> big f0ken jjay m9
[14:53] [GoD]Sho> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3 any map
[14:54] JJaydenn_TSI> he makes loads of troops early
[14:54] JJaydenn_TSI> all u gotta do is outpop him then smash
[14:54] [GoD]Sho> :nice:
[14:54] JJaydenn_TSI> bit of dismantling if ur feeling cheeky aswell
[14:54] JJaydenn_TSI> jobs a gooden
[14:55] [GoD]spinni> manchester rank
[14:55] JJaydenn_TSI> plus he doesnt manage his wood good in 1.5 like i do lol
[14:55] JJaydenn_TSI> just spam builds like any 1.1 noob
[14:56] JJaydenn_TSI> yo nici 1v1?
[14:56] JJaydenn_TSI> need a challenge
[14:57] JJaydenn_TSI> or spin
[14:57] [GoD]spinni> cant scared
[14:57] JJaydenn_TSI> :angry:
[14:58] [GoD]spinni> have you beaten tsu 1v 1 jjay
[14:58] LaDea> sure let's roll
[14:59] [GoD]spinni> let me spec n chill
[14:59] JJaydenn_TSI> nah hes beat me tho nici
[14:59] [GoD]spinni> 1.01
[14:59] [GoD]Sho> aye same
[14:59] JJaydenn_TSI> spin fk*
[14:59] cabalga_trolas> SHINRA TENSEI @-@
[14:59] [GoD]Sho out
[15:00] [GoD]spinni out
[15:00] [GoD]Sho in
[15:00] [GoD]spinni in
[15:01] JJaydenn_TSI> yo u 2 suck man
[15:01] JJaydenn_TSI> get ping lol
[15:01] [GoD]Sho> it says 42 here
[15:01] JJaydenn_TSI> yeye spin x
[15:01] [GoD]Sho> man dis mm
[15:01] cabalga_trolas> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfQ1g0e61JA
[15:01] cabalga_trolas> insssta
[15:02] JJaydenn_TSI> spin
[15:02] [GoD]spinni in
[15:03] [GoD]spinni> dude
[15:03] [GoD]spinni> wtf
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> idk lol
[15:03] [GoD]spinni out
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> sho host it?
[15:03] [GoD]spinni in
[15:03] [GoD]Sho> can ry
[15:03] [GoD]Sho> try*
[15:03] [GoD]Sho> lol poor spin
[15:04] [GoD]spinni> 1.01
[15:04] [GoD]Sho> choose color jjay
[15:04] [GoD]spinni> jjay?
[15:04] JJaydenn_TSI> lemme have red
[15:04] [GoD]spinni> for original ultimate shamshing series
[15:04] [GoD]Sho> k
[15:04] JJaydenn_TSI> lol
[15:04] [GoD]spinni> 1.01?
[15:04] [GoD]Sho> jjay plays on 1,.5
[15:04] [GoD]Sho> lol
[15:06] LaDea out
[15:06] cabalga_trolas> diego
[15:06] LaDea in
[15:06] cabalga_trolas> anda a jugar al minecraft 1.5
[15:06] cabalga_trolas> hijo de puta
[15:06] [GoD]Sho> juego odos los dias
[15:06] [GoD]Sho> con tu madre :>
[15:07] [GoD]Sho> todos *
[15:07] [GoD]spinni> lolll
[15:07] cabalga_trolas> imposible porque esta muerta
[15:07] cabalga_trolas> y es alergica al mani
[15:07] Kayin in
[15:07] [SW]Imperial-Hal in
[15:07] [GoD]spinni out
[15:08] chichis> Jajajajaja
[15:09] [SW]Imperial-Hal> ese jayden quien sera
[15:09] cabalga_trolas out
[15:09] chichis> Es un niýýo rata que juega minecraft
[15:10] [SW]Imperial-Hal> es que por lo que tiene la cuenta
[15:10] [SW]Imperial-Hal> es de los viejoas
[15:10] [SW]Imperial-Hal> quien sabe quien sera
[15:10] [SW]Imperial-Hal> ese wey
[15:11] [SW]Imperial-Hal> 1 año jugando
[15:11] [SW]Imperial-Hal> no jodas
[15:11] chichis> Es un adicto que no tiene vida social como diego
[15:16] Boyy in
[15:23] JJaydenn_TSI> nicis trades 2 good
[15:24] [GoD]Sho> 15 mins
[15:30] LaDea> have to shower ary
[15:30] LaDea> after ill play
[15:31] JJaydenn_TSI> ima bbl 2
[15:31] [GoD]spinni out
[15:32] christo0972> gg
[15:32] 00Shaman> gg
[15:32] idle_warrior> gg
[15:32] [GoD]Sho> lol.
[15:32] [GoD]Sho> guess i'll have to restrict preachers
[15:32] christo0972> hard priest Torukk :)
[15:32] [GoD]Sho> dont want ppl elaving cos teams are shite
[15:33] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[15:33] [GoD]Sho> ++++++++++++++++3 fws and up only
[15:34] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[15:34] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[15:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I am no priest, christo
[15:35] ScoobyDoo in
[15:36] christo0972> u are near :)
[15:36] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yes, I'm close
[15:36] [SW]Imperial-Hal> +l
[15:36] Boyy> 00Shaman
[15:36] Boyy> host
[15:36] christo0972> just yr pop growth yr default ;) i think u build to much wars at start
[15:37] Boyy out
[15:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> No, if I have a fault, it's making too many warriors
[15:37] Boyy in
[15:37] Meph in
[15:37] christo0972> yes and u keep themm in hut without product mana ...
[15:38] 00Shaman> christo lemme host
[15:38] christo0972> its my point of view maybe its not
[15:39] 00Shaman> my back hurts from carrying so much that game
[15:39] 00Shaman> :)
[15:40] LaDeo in
[15:40] 00Shaman> imperial you want big base?
[15:41] 00Shaman> ok
[15:42] LaDeo> meph nici jjayden 1v1
[15:43] Boyy> xdd lol teams
[15:44] 00Shaman> my bad
[15:44] Boyy out
[15:44] [D]Starving_Slaves in
[15:44] christo0972> wait for me pipi room
[15:44] Boyy in
[15:44] [SW]Imperial-Hal> kik genki
[15:44] Boyy> 3v3
[15:45] 00Shaman> k
[15:45] 00Shaman> sec
[15:45] [SW]Imperial-Hal> sabes cmo hacerlo
[15:46] [SW]Imperial-Hal> ?
[15:46] [SW]Imperial-Hal> boy green
[15:46] [SW]Imperial-Hal> me blu
[15:46] [SW]Imperial-Hal> llo
[15:47] [D]Starving_Slaves out
[15:47] ice-t_TSI in
[15:48] [D]Starving_Slaves> out
[15:50] ice-t_TSI out
[15:55] nice4v1m8_OP> noobinity
[16:00] [D]Starving_Slaves> :monkas:
[16:02] [GoD]Sho> div logs in hoping for some dramma daily
[16:03] [D]Starving_Slaves> did i ask
[16:03] [GoD]Sho> ++++++++++++++++++++++3 any map fws n up only
[16:03] [D]Starving_Slaves> UNBAN MATT
[16:03] [GoD]Sho> careful
[16:03] [GoD]Sho> inca usually mutes whoever asks for matt to ge tunbanned
[16:03] [GoD]Sho> get unbanned*
[16:04] [D]Starving_Slaves> i missed the part where that's my problem
[16:04] [D]Starving_Slaves> get religion
[16:05] [GoD]Sho> will be ur problem once u get muted
[16:05] [GoD]Sho> :200iq::rollsafe2:
[16:05] [D]Starving_Slaves> eats hot dog
[16:07] [GoD]Sho> jjay nici babo spin join
[16:07] [GoD]Sho> fws n up only dw
[16:07] [GoD]Sho> no shit preacher
[16:07] [GoD]Sho> preachers*
[16:07] LaDeo> spin coming
[16:07] [GoD]Sho> :preach:
[16:08] [GoD]Sho> :fw::preach:
[16:08] [GoD]Sho> :fireball::preach:
[16:08] [GoD]Sho> :firewarrior:
[16:08] [GoD]Sho> :mallcop::gun: *boom*
[16:08] [GoD]Sho> ice get in
[16:08] [GoD]Sho> fuk u doin up there
[16:09] [GoD]spinni in
[16:09] [GoD]Sho> nici u said u were goin to play after shower
[16:09] [GoD]Sho> no excuse now gtfi
[16:10] JJaydenn_TSI> say please and ill join :pepelove:
[16:10] [GoD]Sho> any map btw so choose u nerds
[16:10] [GoD]Sho> please jjay
[16:10] [GoD]Sho> do not join.
[16:10] [GoD]Sho> :kekyou:
[16:10] JJaydenn_TSI> lool
[16:10] [GoD]Sho> ey walls ?
[16:10] [GoD]Sho> jjay wut u say
[16:10] [GoD]spinni> [GoD]Sho + LaDeo + Meph vs. [GoD]spinni + ice-t_TSI + JJaydenn_TSI
[16:11] [GoD]spinni> yes go walls
[16:11] [GoD]spinni> me and ice front
[16:11] [GoD]Sho> aight
[16:11] JJaydenn_TSI> idm any map
[16:11] LaDeo> wow how great we playing walls?
[16:11] [GoD]Sho> suggest
[16:11] [GoD]Sho> :kek:
[16:11] [GoD]spinni> go...
[16:11] ice-t_TSI> go wall
[16:11] ice-t_TSI> discord
[16:11] [GoD]Sho> walls wins
[16:11] [GoD]Sho> meph u want center or front
[16:12] [GoD]Sho> i think genki is bad at any
[16:12] [GoD]Sho> u know wat im center
[16:22] christo0972> scooby dt killl all treess man :)
[16:23] 00Shaman out
[16:24] Boyy> xd
[16:27] Dizt99 in
[16:28] tatarpeter91 in
[16:30] Dizt99 in
[16:30] tatarpeter91 out
[16:30] Dizt99 out
[16:30] tatarpeter91 in
[16:31] Dizt99 in
[16:35] Dizt99 out
[16:41] Draco7 in
[16:41] christo0972> nice 2V2 :)
[16:43] [SW]Imperial-Hal out
[16:43] Dizt99 out
[16:43] [SW]Imperial-Hal in
[16:43] Meph> bist du raus oder disconnect?
[16:44] christo0972> torukk and me ?
[16:44] christo0972> ok 3V3
[16:44] christo0972> but i have to go in 10 min if no game launched :( sry
[16:45] Kayin out
[16:46] JJaydenn_TSI> gg
[16:46] [GoD]Sho> ye gg u fag
[16:46] [GoD]Sho> bs light n making me wait 10 mins after that
[16:46] [GoD]Sho> unpausing u next time
[16:46] Kayin in
[16:47] christo0972> +1
[16:47] JJaydenn_TSI> dude u act asif i s clicked u u walked stright into it lol
[16:47] LaDeo out
[16:47] LaDeo in
[16:47] JJaydenn_TSI> and i cant help pasuing i dont abuse it sometimes its needed
[16:47] [GoD]spinni> du vollidiot alter
[16:47] [GoD]spinni> benedikt
[16:47] JJaydenn_TSI> pop doesnt come > my life maybe 4 u but not 4 me
[16:48] LaDeo> lol hattte hardcore schluckauf ganzes game
[16:49] christo0972> sry to late launch a game now ..
[16:49] [GoD]Sho> +1
[16:50] LaDeo> spin meph ice 2v2?
[16:51] [GoD]spinni> ein querdenker
[16:52] [GoD]Sho> babo join
[16:53] Mammy_Tas in
[16:54] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[16:54] Mammy_Tas> Dont you dare to burn my wildman tree sho :kekyou: :P
[16:54] [GoD]Sho> dw not in the mood
[16:54] [GoD]Sho> join mammy
[16:54] Mammy_Tas> :D
[17:00] [GoD]Sho> babo join
[17:00] Mammy_Tas> ehm?
[17:00] tatarpeter91 out
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> ppl joins hut n fukin go afk 30 mins
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> fk off the hut if ur gonna do taht
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> worth banning
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2 any map
[17:02] Neramia in
[17:04] LaDeo> nana
[17:04] LaDeo> so schnell bi nich nicht
[17:04] [GoD]spinni> [GoD]Sho + Meph + Mammy_Tas vs. [GoD]spinni + ice-t_TSI + LaDeo
[17:04] [GoD]spinni> can mix if meph wants
[17:04] [GoD]Sho out
[17:05] LaDea> well if jjay's playing
[17:06] LaDea> or babo kayin
[17:06] [GoD]spinni> Meph + [GoD]spinni + Mammy_Tas vs. ice-t_TSI + LaDeo + LaDea
[17:06] [GoD]Sho in
[17:06] [GoD]Sho> [14] Reconnecting...
[17:06] Meph> +++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[17:06] [GoD]Sho> lol reconecting on luanch
[17:06] [GoD]Sho> launch
[17:06] [GoD]spinni> Meph + [GoD]Sho + ice-t_TSI + LaDeo vs. [GoD]spinni + Mammy_Tas + LaDea + Kayin
[17:06] [GoD]spinni> wtf?
[17:06] [GoD]Sho> mm gets better n better each day
[17:07] [GoD]Sho> "u got nici"
[17:07] Meph> map?
[17:07] LaDea> like it matters in a 4v4
[17:07] [GoD]Sho> :yawn:
[17:07] LaDea> flawed logics
[17:07] LaDeo> go pp?
[17:07] [GoD]spinni> no?
[17:08] [GoD]spinni> bist du behindert
[17:08] LaDeo> right lets do walls again
[17:08] LaDea> lol
[17:08] LaDeo> we havent played it this week
[17:08] LaDea> :plead:
[17:08] [GoD]spinni> can we mix this shit
[17:08] LaDeo> only 4mio times
[17:08] [GoD]spinni> what about me shogun kayin ice
[17:08] Meph> fine with any teams
[17:08] Meph> best looks unfair
[17:08] [GoD]spinni> ty
[17:09] Meph> central dogma ok?
[17:09] Kayin> or sess
[17:09] LaDeo> yes go
[17:09] Kayin> or push
[17:09] Kayin> or gin
[17:09] LaDeo> just go
[17:09] Kayin> or
[17:09] [GoD]spinni> gin?
[17:09] LaDeo> no?
[17:09] [GoD]spinni> do they agree
[17:09] LaDeo> no??
[17:09] [GoD]Sho> [18:08] [GoD]spinni> what about me shogun kayin ice <--- spin says no to best n suggest this shit, even worse lmfao
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> lmaooo
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> no man its better
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> :DDD
[17:10] LaDeo> spin just wants teams to be in his favor
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> LOLLL
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> whatabout
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> me nici genki meph split
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> and rest random
[17:10] LaDeo> lets make it fair
[17:10] [GoD]Sho> he doesnt like to risk points, he wants either 80% win or super shit teams so if he loses he doesnt lose many pts
[17:10] LaDeo> nici vs rest
[17:10] [GoD]Sho> samrt fuck aint he
[17:10] [GoD]Sho> smart*
[17:10] ice-t_TSI> team captain style
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> lkoiollololo+
[17:10] [GoD]spinni> DIEGOOOO
[17:10] ice-t_TSI> mammy and shogun
[17:10] Kayin> 7vs1
[17:11] Meph> what teams now?
[17:11] LaDeo> tvb
[17:11] [GoD]Sho> (¬.¬)
[17:11] [GoD]spinni> diego what teams
[17:11] [GoD]Sho> idm
[17:11] Neramia out
[17:11] Meph> can actually do tvb
[17:11] [GoD]spinni> so me meph sho mammy
[17:11] [GoD]spinni> that ok too
[17:11] LaDeo> now hes happy
[17:12] [GoD]spinni> idm
[17:13] christo0972 out
[17:13] Neramia in
[17:14] Boyy out
[17:15] christo0972 in
[17:16] Meph> had screen of lobby
[17:16] Mammy_Tas> :nice:
[17:16] [GoD]spinni> ice cant play now
[17:16] Meph> LOL
[17:17] [GoD]Sho> ppl joins hut and the next min "i cant play" or go afk for 30 mins
[17:17] [GoD]Sho> as if this palce wasnt dead n annoying enough
[17:17] [GoD]Sho> lmao
[17:17] Meph> sho
[17:17] Meph> you are being annoying with your constant nagging
[17:17] Meph> if you dont like the situation
[17:17] Meph> just leave
[17:18] [GoD]Sho> if u want 6p and want to find an excuse to kick me now just do it meph
[17:18] [GoD]Sho> but remeber im not gonna let u in my hut in exchange
[17:18] Meph> i wont kick you, just stfu
[17:18] [GoD]Sho> jjay babop join
[17:18] LaDeo> just block the bastard
[17:18] [GoD]spinni> halt die fresse
[17:18] [GoD]spinni> kayin
[17:18] LaDeo> i blocked jjay for a week
[17:18] Meph> spin
[17:18] LaDeo> was very silent
[17:18] Meph> ruf babo an
[17:18] Meph> und ruf jjay an
[17:19] LaDeo> vergiss nicht babos mutter
[17:19] [GoD]Sho> genki did u 1v1 jjay yet
[17:19] LaDeo> die gute renate
[17:19] LaDeo> na he went "afk"
[17:19] Meph> die is zu gut, können wir nicht balancen
[17:19] LaDeo> lolol
[17:19] [GoD]Sho> loll
[17:20] LaDeo> "gonna roll a spliff after that i come"
[17:20] LaDeo> he never came back
[17:20] [GoD]Sho> nici just spanked him today tho was just 15 mins
[17:20] LaDeo> 15 min is slow
[17:20] LaDeo> ah was beta
[17:20] [GoD]Sho> nici probs playin with 1 finger
[17:21] LaDeo> naja albert
[17:21] Mammy_Tas> You guys can go 3v3 I can watch I dont mind :)
[17:21] LaDeo> ich glaub ich geh wieder afk lol
[17:21] Kayin> u guys go i spec
[17:21] LaDea> na ill spec
[17:21] LaDea> got shit to do anyway
[17:21] LaDea> just procrastinating
[17:21] [GoD]spinni> Meph + [GoD]spinni + Mammy_Tas vs. LaDea + LaDeo + [GoD]Sho
[17:21] [GoD]Sho> na i spec
[17:21] Mammy_Tas> :omegakekw:
[17:22] LaDeo> how about we do a 2v2
[17:22] LaDeo> kick mahmy
[17:22] [GoD]Sho> :kekyou:
[17:22] [GoD]Sho> was kidding
[17:22] [GoD]Sho> +1
[17:22] [GoD]Sho> 6p i guess
[17:22] [GoD]spinni> Meph + Mammy_Tas + Kayin vs. LaDeo + [GoD]spinni + [GoD]Sho
[17:22] LaDeo> sounds fair
[17:22] Meph> lol
[17:22] [GoD]spinni> mix
[17:22] [GoD]Sho> fuk is wrong with best lol
[17:22] christo0972 out
[17:23] [GoD]spinni> me mammy sho?
[17:23] LaDeo> its cus of my low points
[17:24] [GoD]spinni> sess
[17:24] [GoD]spinni> 3v3#
[17:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[17:25] [GoD]Sho> spin stop callin noobs man
[17:25] [GoD]Sho> u fukin tard
[17:25] [GoD]Sho> they're gonna unbalance it
[17:25] [GoD]Sho> if u want to get eqed in 3 mins only cos the noob is afk sure
[17:25] [GoD]Sho> but dont blame me after
[17:26] [GoD]spinni> dw we got trhis
[17:26] [GoD]spinni> 68.7 %
[17:28] [SW]Imperial-Hal> lol
[17:28] Mammy_Tas> marvelous :>
[17:28] Kayin> lol i say so
[17:28] LaDeo> da hatte es was mit dem datenschutz
[17:29] [GoD]spinni> was denn ?
[17:29] [GoD]spinni> geil oder
[17:29] [SW]Imperial-Hal> wttf
[17:30] [GoD]Sho> is it kayin? lol
[17:30] Kayin> 1 more time
[17:30] [GoD]spinni> no
[17:30] [GoD]spinni> make it mehrere male
[17:30] Boyy in
[17:31] LaDeo out
[17:31] Kayin out
[17:31] LaDeo in
[17:31] Kayin in
[17:31] [GoD]spinni> ?
[17:31] LaDeo> datenschutz
[17:31] Kayin> last try if not u guys get others
[17:31] [GoD]spinni> mensch halt de gusch
[17:31] [GoD]Sho> join
[17:31] LaDeo> nicht schlecht
[17:31] LaDeo> endlich mal ein normales wort
[17:31] LaDeo> aus dienem munde
[17:34] [AsG]mentix in
[17:36] ice-t_TSI> hey Mentix
[17:36] ice-t_TSI> Happy Friday
[17:36] [AsG]mentix> hey man!
[17:36] [AsG]mentix> thanks you too
[17:36] [AsG]mentix> about to play some counter strike 2
[17:37] ice-t_TSI> Nice, have you played it much? Any good?
[17:39] [AsG]mentix> i've played cs since i was a kid from time to time, like since 1.3
[17:39] [AsG]mentix> but not like super competitively
[17:39] chichis> Imperial sucks
[17:40] JJaydenn_TSI out
[17:40] Boyy out
[17:46] Neramia out
[17:46] Neramia in
[17:46] Neramia out
[17:47] [AvA]TristanFR in
[17:48] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[17:48] [AvA]TristanFR> [AvA]TristanFR + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs ScoobyDoo + Draco7
[17:49] Neramia in
[17:50] Neramia out
[17:50] Neramia in
[17:56] [GoD]Sho> well now that ur happy spin
[17:56] [GoD]Sho> fk off with noobs
[17:56] [GoD]Sho> ty
[17:56] [GoD]Sho> point proven.
[17:56] Mammy_Tas> gg
[17:57] LaDeo> gg
[17:57] [AvA]TristanFR out
[17:57] Kayin> gg wp team!
[17:57] Kayin> thanks for saving my ass
[17:57] Kayin> lol
[17:57] Mammy_Tas> See genki I dont need lights in early game :P
[17:57] LaDeo> yes
[17:57] LaDeo> indeed
[17:57] [GoD]Sho> ++++++++++++4 6ways
[17:59] [SW]Imperial-Hal out
[18:05] Neramia out
[18:05] [GoD]Sho> shits too dead
[18:05] Neramia in
[18:07] LaDeo out
[18:07] Neramia out
[18:07] Neramia in
[18:10] Neramia out
[18:12] Incy in
[18:13] bockwurstlaune in
[18:14] Incy out
[18:15] Incy in
[18:15] nice4v1m8_OP> [18:22] [GoD]spinni> Meph + Mammy_Tas + Kayin vs. LaDeo + [GoD]spinni + [GoD]Sho
[18:16] nice4v1m8_OP> wonder why meph didnt play this, any ideas?
[18:17] [D]Starving_Slaves in
[18:19] Mammy_Tas> Teams where unbalanced :D
[18:20] [D]Starving_Slaves out
[18:20] bockwurstlaune> LaDeo way too strong
[18:22] Durban_Poison in
[18:24] [GoD]Sho> wonder why people talks but wont fkin join
[18:24] [GoD]Sho> +++++++++++++++++4 already u nerds
[18:36] Boyy in
[18:36] Kayin out
[18:42] DrThunderous in
[18:43] Boyy out
[18:53] Etey in
[18:54] nice4v1m8_OP out
[18:56] Incy out
[18:57] frichkat90 in
[18:59] frichkat90> chfakhan
[18:59] frichkat90 out
[19:03] DrThunderous out
[19:04] ScoobyDoo out
[19:07] Chichis out
[19:07] Chichis in
[19:07] Barsul in
[19:08] Barsul> hi
[19:08] Chichis> hey
[19:08] Chichis> :howdy:
[19:10] [GoD]Sho out
[19:11] Barsul out
[19:12] togeyher_fun_OP> Yo
[19:12] Chichis> babo nub
[19:12] togeyher_fun_OP> Mammy I would've played that game
[19:12] togeyher_fun_OP> And won it
[19:12] togeyher_fun_OP> That's the difference between a pro and #2
[19:13] [AsG]mentix out
[19:13] Meph> 1v1 babo?
[19:13] togeyher_fun_OP> Spaeter bin grade Pizza essen lol
[19:13] Meph> all aboard the excuse-train. choo! choo!
[19:13] togeyher_fun_OP> Tomorrow 8pm gmt 1v1
[19:13] power_OP> loool
[19:14] power_OP> and stream it yeyeye
[19:14] togeyher_fun_OP> I also wanna 1v1 spin :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[19:14] togeyher_fun_OP> Then when I beat both I continue with the Nici boss
[19:14] power_OP> nice ggs to watch
[19:14] Meph> says the guy who lost to Leaf in a 1v1
[19:16] DrThunderous in
[19:18] [GoD]Sho in
[19:19] [GoD]Sho> man this shit is too dead lmao
[19:19] [GoD]Sho out
[19:20] [GoD]spinni out
[19:20] LaDea> lol
[19:21] LaDea out
[19:23] Svarog in
[19:26] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[19:26] Svarog out
[19:26] [AvA]Fistung in
[19:27] chichis> 1v1 koopa nub
[19:28] Obelix in
[19:28] Obelix> dayumn mm so dead
[19:28] Chichis> :howdy:
[19:29] [GoD]spinni> Game?
[19:29] Chichis> +1
[19:30] Chichis> noob game
[19:30] Chichis> :lol:
[19:30] Obelix> dayumn brb then
[19:30] Obelix out
[19:31] bockwurstlaune out
[19:32] Chichis> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKqX4Jazdp0
[19:33] Chichis> you are not the spin?
[19:34] DrThunderous out
[19:36] Ellen_Ripley_OP in
[19:36] Ellen_Ripley_OP> woah dead pop
[19:36] Chichis> UNBAN MATT
[19:37] [god]XenoKoopa26> yoyoyo wut map
[19:37] DrThunderous in
[19:38] Ellen_Ripley_OP> random pp
[19:38] Ellen_Ripley_OP> :good:
[19:39] [GoD]spinni> Bianca
[19:39] [GoD]spinni> Gibts ein Spiel
[19:42] Etey out
[19:43] [D]Starving_Slaves out
[19:44] DrThunderous out
[19:47] DrThunderous in
[19:51] Etey in
[20:07] trinitas in
[20:10] Boyy in
[20:19] Chichis out
[20:19] Ellen_Ripley_OP> 16 online spin
[20:19] Boyy out
[20:19] Chichis in
[20:19] Ellen_Ripley_OP> ned wirklich
[20:19] Ellen_Ripley_OP> gg wp
[20:19] Boyy in
[20:19] Chichis> it's a bad idea to eat and play
[20:20] Chichis> nerds
[20:20] Ellen_Ripley_OP> ye i have done ssame rn
[20:20] [AvA]Fistung> chichi and me had funny game
[20:20] [AvA]Fistung> we fighted for middle with braves
[20:20] [AvA]Fistung> and had both under 30 pop
[20:21] Chichis> lol
[20:21] Chichis> :peped:
[20:22] Chichis> im not good at pp
[20:22] [AvA]Fistung> i was shiftclicking ur shamans with my towers all time
[20:22] [AvA]Fistung> XD
[20:22] [AvA]Fistung> was funny how you drown every time
[20:22] Obelix in
[20:22] [AvA]Fistung> must been really frustrating
[20:22] Obelix> hella
[20:22] Chichis> my shaman likes the water that went over the edge
[20:23] Obelix> oh wrearry
[20:23] Chichis> He doesn't know how to swim and goes through the water
[20:23] Obelix> kpa u here?
[20:23] [AvA]Fistung> she can cast lb
[20:23] [AvA]Fistung> so she doesnt need to swim
[20:23] Obelix> she can yes
[20:24] [god]XenoKoopa26> u betcha
[20:24] Chichis> bianca
[20:24] Chichis> fist
[20:24] Obelix> k lets roll kpa
[20:25] Obelix> gimme bianca and boyy
[20:25] [god]XenoKoopa26> shall i do +2 fellas?
[20:25] Obelix> and letsgo
[20:25] Obelix> we dont have players
[20:25] Etey out
[20:25] [god]XenoKoopa26> [god]XenoKoopa26 + Chichis + Ellen_Ripley_OP vs. Obelix + Zpektrix_TAS + Boyy
[20:25] [AvA]Fistung> +7
[20:25] [god]XenoKoopa26> fist if u can get 1 more
[20:25] [god]XenoKoopa26> i let u in
[20:25] Obelix> how abt trinitas
[20:25] [god]XenoKoopa26> we get a 8p game goin
[20:25] [AvA]Fistung> spiin
[20:25] [god]XenoKoopa26> :|
[20:25] [AvA]Fistung> if u read
[20:25] [god]XenoKoopa26> sure loll
[20:25] [AvA]Fistung> log in
[20:25] [AvA]Fistung> now
[20:26] Ellen_Ripley_OP> ye spin its time
[20:26] Obelix> maybe fishtung hosts?
[20:26] [AvA]Fistung> u guys go 3v3
[20:26] [AvA]Fistung> if u want
[20:26] [AvA]Fistung> oh
[20:26] [AvA]Fistung> trinitas just logged in
[20:26] Chichis> fist and trinitas
[20:26] Obelix> all come her
[20:26] Obelix> kpa
[20:26] [AvA]Fistung> kk
[20:26] [AvA]Fistung> kpa make 8
[20:26] [god]XenoKoopa26> kk fhk it
[20:27] [god]XenoKoopa26> [god]XenoKoopa26 + trinitas + Chichis + Obelix vs. Ellen_Ripley_OP + Boyy + [AvA]Fistung + Zpektrix_TAS
[20:27] [god]XenoKoopa26> :thonk:
[20:27] [god]XenoKoopa26> wut map
[20:27] Chichis> walls
[20:27] Obelix> walls is ok
[20:27] [AvA]Fistung> WOM?
[20:27] Chichis> or push
[20:27] Chichis> :D
[20:27] Ellen_Ripley_OP> lool ofd it ic for trod xd
[20:27] Ellen_Ripley_OP> plz no wom
[20:27] Obelix> ok boys
[20:27] Ellen_Ripley_OP> had an over 1 hour long wom game
[20:27] Obelix> and girls
[20:27] [god]XenoKoopa26> i got 1 for walls none for wom
[20:27] Ellen_Ripley_OP> enough for this year
[20:27] [god]XenoKoopa26> any other maps yall want?
[20:27] [god]XenoKoopa26> can do any n allllll
[20:27] Ellen_Ripley_OP> walls is ok i guess
[20:28] Obelix> id like umm walls
[20:28] Ellen_Ripley_OP> xd
[20:28] Obelix> why mm so empty today
[20:28] [god]XenoKoopa26> kk pick yalls base bases
[20:28] Ellen_Ripley_OP> i am bad back base make me front
[20:28] [god]XenoKoopa26> covid
[20:28] [god]XenoKoopa26> rip
[20:28] Ellen_Ripley_OP> tf has covid to do with this lol
[20:28] [god]XenoKoopa26> they were rite
[20:28] Obelix> kpa likes front bases i think
[20:28] Obelix> :nice:
[20:29] Obelix> and tsu too
[20:29] Ellen_Ripley_OP> lol
[20:29] Ellen_Ripley_OP> tsu is back babse
[20:29] [god]XenoKoopa26> lolll
[20:29] Ellen_Ripley_OP> base
[20:29] [god]XenoKoopa26> yo u guys
[20:29] Obelix> idm abt base
[20:29] [god]XenoKoopa26> pick ur bak bases
[20:29] [god]XenoKoopa26> tsu n fist???
[20:29] Obelix> its ok
[20:29] Obelix> tsu middest
[20:29] [AvA]Fistung> make tsu and me back?
[20:29] [god]XenoKoopa26> kk
[20:29] [god]XenoKoopa26> but which bak base u want fist
[20:29] [AvA]Fistung> give tsu the mid
[20:29] [AvA]Fistung> i take the rear
[20:30] [god]XenoKoopa26> trod u want mid rite?
[20:30] [AvA]Fistung> if ok for tsu
[20:30] [god]XenoKoopa26> u n trinitas
[20:30] [god]XenoKoopa26> bak
[20:30] Boyy> [AvA]Fistung and bianca from xd
[20:30] [god]XenoKoopa26> ??
[20:30] Etey in
[20:30] Obelix> i can be mid
[20:30] Obelix> ye
[20:30] [AvA]Fistung> i can be font too
[20:30] Ellen_Ripley_OP> then do fist front
[20:30] [AvA]Fistung> simcity mode is over
[20:30] Ellen_Ripley_OP> with me
[20:30] Ellen_Ripley_OP> loool
[20:30] Ellen_Ripley_OP> there can just be one sim city guy in the team
[20:30] Obelix> guy knows simcity with tsu impossible
[20:31] Obelix> pretending not wanna
[20:31] [AvA]Fistung> let tsu be sim city guy
[20:31] Ellen_Ripley_OP> koopa you hear this
[20:31] Ellen_Ripley_OP> me n fist front
[20:31] [god]XenoKoopa26> ???
[20:31] [AvA]Fistung> yeah
[20:31] [god]XenoKoopa26> fist front?
[20:31] [AvA]Fistung> ye
[20:31] [god]XenoKoopa26> aite man
[20:32] Obelix> all ready kpa
[20:32] cccp in
[20:38] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:40] [AvA]Mibbel out
[20:40] Chichis> gg
[20:40] Obelix> fast game
[20:40] [god]XenoKoopa26 out
[20:40] Ellen_Ripley_OP> stupid allies
[20:40] [AvA]Fistung> damn
[20:40] Ellen_Ripley_OP out
[20:41] [god]XenoKoopa26 in
[20:41] cccp> HI HA
[20:41] Chichis> bianca trolling
[20:41] Zpektrix_TAS> just set boyy front next time
[20:41] Boyy> It's impossible to go with a shitty noob who will take away your entire foundation.
[20:41] [AvA]Fistung> on 8p walls its good to give midbase more land
[20:41] [AvA]Fistung> and let them explode
[20:41] [god]XenoKoopa26> dont do random man
[20:41] [god]XenoKoopa26> do best
[20:41] Obelix> kpa how abt
[20:41] [AvA]Fistung> backbase can be smaller
[20:41] Obelix> u and me backies
[20:41] Obelix> res trandom
[20:41] Obelix> ?
[20:41] [god]XenoKoopa26> ye sure brah
[20:42] Boyy> I'm better than you and tsu and will they give me a small base? what are you saying idiot
[20:43] Boyy out
[20:45] [AvA]uTorrent in
[20:45] [AvA]uTorrent out
[21:03] pjeter in
[21:08] Mammy_Tas out
[21:11] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:12] Svarog in
[21:12] Svarog out
[21:17] Chichis out
[21:17] Obelix> gg
[21:17] Chichis in
[21:18] Etey> obelix i couldnt fucking kill you lol
[21:18] Etey> good job with lights
[21:18] [AvA]Fistung> obelix got all spys as ally
[21:18] [AvA]Fistung> koopa all the others XD
[21:18] Obelix> its the randomness
[21:18] Obelix> sometimes kicks u
[21:18] [AvA]Fistung> join all sess
[21:18] [AvA]Fistung> 4v4 sess
[21:19] [AvA]Fistung> all ranks welcome
[21:19] Obelix> draco and trinitas join
[21:20] [AvA]Fistung> Draco7> i need to go soon
[21:21] [AvA]Fistung> we can 5v2 jugg
[21:23] Etey> i will be back later
[21:23] Etey out
[21:31] r3tr0 in
[21:31] Murse in
[21:32] r3tr0 out
[21:32] r3tr0 in
[21:32] Murse out
[21:33] ice-t_TSI out
[21:33] r3tr0 out
[21:46] frichkat90 in
[21:49] nsk in
[21:49] frichkat90 out
[21:49] nsk out
[21:51] [AvA]Fistung> gg
[21:51] pjeter> gg
[21:52] Obelix> gg wpo
[21:55] [AvA]Mibbel out
[21:57] Obelix> u play guud åjeter
[21:58] Obelix> matt taught u well
[21:58] Obelix> :nice:
[21:58] Obelix> pjeter*
[21:58] Meph out
[21:59] pjeter> Matt didn't teach me shit
[21:59] Obelix> :kekw:
[22:00] FilthiestKazual in
[22:01] Chichis> pjeter is matt?
[22:02] FilthiestKazual out
[22:02] [AvA]Fistung> pjeter is pjeter
[22:04] pjeter> "Chichis> pjeter is matt?" that is insulting
[22:07] [GoD]Spyro in
[22:14] Chichis> no
[22:15] Chichis> chichis is chichis
[22:28] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:28] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:28] [GoD]Spyro out
[22:28] [GoD]Spyro in
[22:31] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[22:39] [AvA]Arc in
[22:40] [AvA]Arc> yo
[22:40] [AvA]Fistung> goo
[22:40] Chichis> arcayno is arcayno
[22:40] [AvA]Fistung> tiem for a game
[22:42] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[22:43] Draco7 out
[22:47] [AvA]Arc> ffa?
[22:47] [AvA]Fistung> sure
[22:47] [AvA]Fistung> cr8 ffa
[22:48] [AvA]Arc> we know fist is gonna win lol I will un rank it so its just pure fun
[22:48] [AvA]Fistung> lol
[22:48] [AvA]Fistung> i dont win allways
[22:48] [AvA]Fistung> u allways team up on me XDD
[22:49] Luxray in
[22:54] Chichis out
[22:54] Chichis in
[23:01] Chichis> spyro bitch
[23:02] trinitas out
[23:14] frichkat90 in
[23:15] frichkat90 out
[23:19] DrThunderous out
[23:24] Obelix out
[23:35] Etey in
[23:39] pjeter> lol gg
[23:39] [AvA]Fistung> i was hoping to keep arc alive
[23:39] [AvA]Arc> heh
[23:39] Etey> pjeter beat u guys up on jugg? xD
[23:40] pjeter> jugg what?
[23:40] [AvA]Fistung> no ffa on cr8
[23:40] [AvA]Arc> yeah sorry i has a dismal base
[23:40] Etey> juggernaut
[23:40] Etey> ah okay
[23:40] pjeter> im in
[23:40] [AvA]Fistung> in the end i was in the middle of the 2 other players
[23:40] [AvA]Arc> my forge time was not on screen so had no idea of when to do men
[23:41] [AvA]Arc> i has a shit small base and no growth lol
[23:41] [AvA]Fistung> ii had big base but only 5 braves at start
[23:42] [AvA]Arc> walls?
[23:42] [AvA]Fistung> what every u like
[23:42] Chichis> 5V1
[23:42] [AvA]Fistung> ye i made new 5v1 map
[23:42] [AvA]Arc> who else wants to play?
[23:43] [AvA]Fistung> relog
[23:43] [AvA]Fistung out
[23:43] Etey> i dont right now
[23:43] [AvA]Fistung in
[23:43] Chichis> HERE ETEY
[23:43] cabalga_trolas in
[23:43] Chichis> facu
[23:43] Chichis> ceni
[23:43] cabalga_trolas> no
[23:43] Chichis> pajuo
[23:43] cabalga_trolas> chupala
[23:43] Chichis> perra
[23:43] cabalga_trolas> vine a romper los huevos nomas
[23:43] cabalga_trolas> porq ya me voy a mimir
[23:43] cabalga_trolas> uwu
[23:44] Chichis> gn facu
[23:44] [AvA]Fistung> wanna do 3v3 or 5v1?
[23:44] Chichis> 5v1
[23:45] [GoD]Spyro out
[23:53] cabalga_trolas out
[23:55] [GoD]Spyro in